Ø Giving
you the excellent and greatest solution to your personal and corporate taxation
Ø Recommended and valuable advice for your Financial Statement in audited and technical analyzed skill.
( Memberikan saran (dan atau rekomendasi) untuk setiap permasalahan pembukuan komersil Anda melalui pendekatan Auditing dan Tehnik Analisa Keuangan).
( Memberikan solusi prima untuk setiap permasalahan perpajakan Badan dan Pribadi Anda).
Ø Recommended and valuable advice for your Financial Statement in audited and technical analyzed skill.
( Memberikan saran (dan atau rekomendasi) untuk setiap permasalahan pembukuan komersil Anda melalui pendekatan Auditing dan Tehnik Analisa Keuangan).
Responsible and trustworthy solution is given professionally to you as our respect to our related taxation laws and Regulation
(Memberikan konsultasi baik lisan maupun tertulis, memberikan solusi yang tepat dan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan perpajakan yang berlaku dan terkait)
Tax Compliance Services
Fulfillment of tax obligations in accordance with the provisions of the legislation applicable, including calculating, preparing and depositing the tax payable to the State Treasury, and reporting Annual and Periode tax Report to the Tax Office where the taxpayer is registered
( Pemenuhan kewajiban perpajakan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, termasuk menghitung, menyiapkan dan menyetorkan pajak terutang ke Kas Negara, serta melaporkannya ke Kantor Pelayanan Pajak tempat Wajib Pajak terdaftar baik SPT Masa maupun SPT Tahunan ).
Tax Planning
Composing the Tax Plan efficiently accordance with Laws and Regulation .
( Menyusun perencanaan di bidang perpajakan dan mengefisiensikan beban pajak sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku)
Tax Review
Reviewing and analyzing the
financial statement base on the aspect of taxation and also calculating the
outstanding tax in finding (Tax exposure). We will also interpret any corrections deemed necessary by the tax auditors until an
assesment letter of tax
verification has been obtained.
(Mereview dan menganalisa laporan keuangan wajib pajak ditinjau dari aspek perpajakan, serta menghitung pajak yang terutang dari hasil temuan (tax exposure)).Tax Assessment Assistance
Escorting you during the inspection to the completed process. To provide the briefly explanation regarding the findings and be obtained the Tax assessment Letter (SKP). We also provide to assist your company in tax dispute resolution such as objection against a tax assesment notice, appeal against a tax decision, and a tax judicial review application to the Supreme Court.
(Mendampingi proses pemeriksaan sampai selesai, termasuk memberikan penjelasan atas
hasil temuan pemeriksa sampai mendapatkan hasil berupa Surat Ketetapan Pajak (SKP)).
Tax Objection
assisted to objection to get solved, inclusive the objection letter preparation
and explaining to the Tax authority and get solved by an objection statement
letter. This is accomplished when a client or more receives unfair assesment from the government
and we will represent clients at the Tax Office.
(Mendampingi proses keberatan sampai selesai, termasuk menyiapkan surat keberatan,memberikan penjelasan kepada fiskus sampai mendapatkan hasil putusan berupa Surat
Keputusan Keberatan).
Tax Appeal
Escorting the appeal process to the completion in court and handling the supporting documents, to give brief explanation to the judges and get the appeal decision letter.
(Mendampingi proses banding di Pengadilan Pajak sampai selesai, termasuk menyiapkan surat
banding dan bantahan, memberikan penjelasan kepada Majelis Hakim, sampai mendapatkan
hasil berupa Putusan Banding).
Tax Refund (Restitution)
Assisting the tax refunds from the taxpayers that are entitled in accordance with the Laws and Regulations is applicable to obtain warrant for payment of the tax advantages. This is accomplished when a client or more inadvertenly overpay particular taxes.
(Mendampingi proses restitusi pajak yang merupakan hak wajib pajak sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku sampai mendapatkan hasil berupa surat perintah pembayaran kelebihan pajak)
Tax System and Procedure Design
Develop systems
and procedures in accordance with the type of
business taxation and tax payer needs including provide a
flexible and comprehensive payroll service. We will ensure and calculated tax
art 21 components in acccordance with appropriate legislation and are paid and
remitted as required
(Menyusun sistem dan prosedur perpajakan sesuai dengan jenis usaha dan kebutuhan wajib pajak).
Tax Administration Services
and reporting the personal and corporate Tax administration also administrative
completeness accordance with applicable Tax laws. These services
include are registration and revocation of
Tax Payer ID Number (NPWP),
VAT-registered Person Numbered (NPPKP), application for overbooking to
the Tax Authority, application for overbooking
in a foreign language and currency, application for centralization of VAT administration, and
application for
a tax clearence
(Membantu kelengkapan administrasi perpajakan wajib pajak sesuai dengan peraturan perpajakan yang berlaku).
In-House Tax Training
Provide taxpayers with the tax knowledge to taxpayers can fill out correctly tax report . |
(Membekali wajib pajak dengan ilmu perpajakan supaya wajib pajak dapat mengisi SPT nya secara benar).
- Auditing Services (joint Public Accounting Firm)
- ISO Services (joint ISO Firm)
- Obtain Corporate License (joint Notary Firm)
Our Team :
1. Timbang Siahaan (Bersertifikat Negara)No HP : 0813 10150550
2. Cosmas Budiyantoro (partner)
No HP : 0812 8878964.
Case Study:
Pertanyaan :
Ada yang mau saya tanyakan sebagai berikut :
PMK no.85 bagaimana cara prakteknya untuk faktur pajak yang kita buat dan pembayarannya ke Pihak yang memungut ( Contoh Telkom)
Jawaban :
mulai 1 juli 2012 bumn sebagai wapu untuk transaksi yang nilainya diatas 10 juta untuk pembayaran yang tidak dipecah-pecah.
kode FP menjadi 030
penjual menyerahkan SSP
pembayaran ppn atas pungut dibayar paling lama tgl 15 bulan berikutnya
karena wapu maka penjual menerima pembayaran senilai harga barang saja (ppn nya dibayarkan oleh pemungut) lembar ssp diberikan penjual.
selebihnya liahat di bagian akhir PMK 85 ada tata caranya
Peraturan Perpajakan:
Rupa peraturan peraturan tentang barang dan Jasa tidak kena pajak : Summary = > silakan klik http://www.4shared.com/office/uAJ5pwyl/Brg__Jasa_tidak_kena_Pajak.html